
Karmic Blueprint Reading
$50.00 USD
Ever wonder why certain negative patterns keep appearing in your life? Do you ever feel like you're moving in a circle instead of moving forward? I sure have, as do many of us.
Your Karmic blueprint reading offers personalized detail into your own birth chart. It highlights areas where you excel, as well as the shadowy areas that need a little bit of tending. --You will receive a full interpretation of your birth chart.
-- We will discuss each planetary placement and what it means.
--We will go over, in detail, your Sun sign, Moon sign, and Ascendent.
--We will also discuss Nakshatra placement, Mahadashas, and divisional charts, No worries if you don't have a background in astrology, I will explain the concepts as we go
--Stay Awesome!

Predictive Questioning
$25.00 USD
If you have a specific question, such as "Will I get this promotion?" or What does the next year look like? " or "Should I switch jobs" then this is the reading for you. This is a basic chart reading where I will only look into the specific area of questioning. Sessions run about 15- 30 minutes

Relationship Strengthening Reading
$100 USD
-60 minutes
Upon much contemplation, I have decided that I will not be doing relationship compatibility readings as part of my practice. What I am excited to offer is this relationship strengthening session.
-Important- Relationship strengthening is not only for romantic relationships/ marriages, but also for business partnerships, friendships, and my favorite union, parent and child.
--I Analyze and interpret both participant's birth charts
--We will discuss where the planetary energies are in both charts and develop a system for the two parties to understand each other better,
--I will highlight what each participant needs as an individual, as well as what they need out of the relationship.
--I will not offer advice on whether or not you should marry someone or not. Only what to expect out of the marriage and how to bring union.

Coaching Session
$100 USD
-60 minutes
$50 USD
-30 minutes
Coaching sessions are available for anyone who needs it. If you are stuck in a certain situation, behavioral pattern, or emotion, we can work together, using a combination of astrology and behavioral intervention.
--You will receive an individualized treatment plan with measurable goals
--As little or as many sessions as you need
--Disclaimer-- I got your back, but I am not a licensed therapist or a doctor. I should not be a replacement for medical care, but an alternative for those who are seeking something different, for those who need more, or for those who are seeking a connection and just want to be heard.